Herne View PTA
Herne View PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is the parents’ organisation for our school and it does a great deal of excellent work to support the whole school community. All parents and staff are automatically members of our PTA. Meetings are held in the school about once a half term and everyone is welcome to attend. It is intended that meetings are informal but business like. We always like welcoming new members so do look out for our meetings and come along as all new ideas help.
Chair – Demelza Douglas
Treasurer – Vacancy
Secretary – Cheryl Herrick

If anyone wishes to help with Herne View PTA but is unable to attend meetings please let us know. You will be able to receive minutes of the meetings to keep you informed.
For our facebook page please search for Herne View PTA
There are a wide range of activities run by the PTA to raise money and provide enjoyable events for both parents and children. It also supports a wide range of school events. These include:-
an annual barbecue
regular quizzes and bingo
sponsored events
Christmas hamper raffle
Herne View PTA is always looking for additional volunteers and helpers. If you can help, please get in touch! Each year, Herne View PTA raises a great deal of money to help with providing extras for the school. Without their work the children would not have such a good environment to work and play in, or have such good resources. The most recent purchases are £400 on musical instruments and £5,000 on library furniture and playground marking. The children will get great benefit from both. Last year, the Herne View PTA raised £11,899.81 through events, grants and donations.
Shopping On-Line?
You can easily raise funds for Herne View PTA. Please visit www.easyfundraising.org.uk/greenfyldesch and register as a user. Thank you (please note the school name is currently in the process of being changed)
Herne View PTA will get commission from labelplanet for sales of clothes labels made by following the link below: https://www.stikins.co.uk/

Over £9000 worth of books for the school’s library and book corners in classrooms. This means that children have more, better quality reading books inspiring them to read and enjoy it.

Games for children to play in classrooms during ‘wet plays’. The children really enjoy playing these board games etc when it is too wet to get outside at playtime.

This is the log cabin in the garden area of the school. This was funded entirely by FrOGS and complements our excellent outdoor learning facilites really well.

Likewise, our pond area and garden have all benefited from FrOGS input. We now have a lovely natural area where children can enjoy learning and ‘being’.

The PTA has supported the running of the school swimming pool for many years. This is a costly matter and not undertaken lightly, but is a wonderful resource for the children, who normally swim twice a week between April and October. The pool is recently undergone major repair work and is now being used by the children. It is available for hire to parents and organisations. To find out more visit the Swimming Pool page.

Stage blocks. These versatile and and adaptable stage blocks have been really well used since given to the school. The children love to perform on them.